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Modelet Terapeutike

Modeli i psikoterapisë që unë punoj fokusohet në dy modele terapeutike: CBT apo modeli konjitiv bihejvioral si edhe ST- terapia e skemes.

Shpesh njerëzit kërkojnë takim me një psikoterapist sepse mund të jenë të shqetësuar për diçka, mund të ndihen të mërzitur, të frikësuar, të ndjejnë se dicka nuk po shkon mirë në jetën e tyre, të ndihen sikur kanë ngecur ose kanë humbur dëshirat apo edhe vetë kuptimin e jetës.

Shërbimie Psikologjike

Marta Bej, PhD

Unë jam psikoterapiste e licensuar me mbi 15 vite përvojë si psikologe kliniciste e specializuar në terapinë konjitiv bihejviorale (CBT) dhe Terapinë e Skemës

I Help You Deal with Problems That Are Inward.


Shërbimet e ofruara

Sarah Lee

After a course of psychotherapy, my life has altered, and my views on many things have changed. Everything immediately fell into place. I am thankful to you for your help. I advise Cloe to everyone.

Sarah Lee

CEO, Business Co
Anna Gordon

I went for treatment with Cloe Brooks, and many something in life began to clear up. She requested me to think about why things happen in our lives and how we control them. Thanks for the help, Cloe!

Anna Gordon

CEO, Business Co
Linda Moore

I can’t guess how I could live with so much ballast, issues, and complexes before. My life before training and after it is paradise and earth! After the training, I understood how human relationships work.

Linda Moore

CEO, Business Co

Help From a Qualified Psychologist

These are feelings that don’t add up, work you don’t like, parents who morally pressure you, and others reasons.

A psychologist is not just a doctor. He does not make diagnoses and does not tell his clients how to act and what to do.

Psychotherapy is a complex treatment based on the interaction between the patient and the treating therapist.
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